Plus Dane has partnered with Vericon Systems to combat damp and mould issues using advanced remote monitoring and management technology.
Damp and mould are persistent issues in many properties across the UK and Plus Dane has been searching the market for an effective solution to identify and mitigate these issues proactively, ensuring a healthier environment for our customers.
Working together with Vericon Systems and their Surveyor Cube in a number of homes. This state-of-the-art solution is designed to detect and prevent damp and mould by monitoring environmental conditions within properties.
The Surveyor Cube allows engineers and resource managers to identify the source and track migration of temperature and relative humidity levels and its predictive effect on habitable rooms Components of the Surveyor Cube
The installation process for the Surveyor Cube system is straightforward and non-invasive. The system can be set up in a matter of minutes, ensuring minimal disruption to residents while providing immediate benefits. Plus Dane have introduced the Surveyor Cube across a number of its properties as part of a new agreement with Vericon.
The system includes a dedicated online portal that allows us to monitor and manage environmental conditions remotely. This portal provides instant access to data on temperature and humidity levels, enabling proactive intervention to prevent the build-up of damp and mould.
Chris Roberts, Sustainability Manager at Plus Dane Housing, said: “Although the Vericon system has only been live for a matter of months, we are already seeing positive results. With the ability to proactively monitor, manage, and evaluate humidity levels within our properties, we can prevent the build-up of damp and mould and all of the problems they bring. Vericon’s ongoing service and support has been first class.”
Bernard Cook, Managing Director at Vericon Systems, emphasises the broader impact of connected technology: “The integration of connected technology for detecting damp and mould can play a vital role in improving the living conditions of residents and in demonstrating a landlord’s commitment to best practice.”
This partnership provides a benchmark for others to follow, showcasing the benefits of proactive and innovative solutions in property management.