The system for matching Merseyside residents with available social or affordable housing that meets their needs is changing towards the end of this year – and anyone who might be affected is urged to take note.
In November 2023, a new Housing Allocations Policy is being introduced by Property Pool Plus (PPP), which is the register for anyone looking for social or affordable housing in Liverpool, Wirral, Sefton, Knowsley and Halton.
The change in policy is designed to simplify the system by reducing the number of priority bands from six to four and making some changes to the criteria by which people are accepted into each band.
The changes to the criteria for who can qualify for the scheme will impact on factors such as an applicant’s connection to the area in which they are looking for accommodation, whether they own a property, how much they might have in savings, whether they are under 18, and whether they have previously had rent arrears or displayed unacceptable behaviour.
There is no need for anyone registered with Property Pool Plus to do anything just yet ahead of these changes coming in – this is just advance notification.
In the coming months, people are being asked to regularly check the PPP website for updates and news. Read any emails, letters or PPP account messages that might be sent directly - and respond to any requests for information to assess your case under the new policy.
Anyone that is asked to renew their application should ensure they do this within the four-week time scales advised.
What isn’t changing is how all available properties are advertised, how people can bid on them and where all the information in relation to registering and bidding is found, which will remain