Asbestos was used in buildings (mainly between 1930 to 1980) because it has a number of desirable properties; it is strong, cheap, durable, and resistant to heat and fire.
Most asbestos products pose no risk to health, provided they remain in good condition and undisturbed. They are only dangerous when asbestos is disturbed, and the fibres become airborne and are breathed in.
The use of asbestos was banned in 1999, so if your home was built after this, it should not contain any asbestos materials.
You might find asbestos in:
If we have told you that there are materials that contain asbestos in your home, then don’t panic. Avoid working on, damaging or removing materials that contain asbestos. You should also avoid sanding down or scraping off textured coatings or carrying out other alterations and improvements to your home without contacting us first.
If we have told you that there are materials that contain asbestos in your home, you should contact us immediately if:
Our decision to remove the asbestos is dependent on the level of risk. Asbestos may be left in place if it is not a danger and unlikely to be disturbed.
Yes – but you must take note of the advice we give you relating to any asbestos in your home. If you are planning to carry out any improvements or alterations, you must speak to us before carrying out any works.